First off, I'm OH SO GLAD Monday is OVER! How bout you?! I told you last week that I was going to fill you in on something I feel like the Lord has led me to, so here goes! I have been praying for quite some time (probably a year or so) about the next step. Spiritually speaking. I was a youth leader for quite a few years and gave every Wednesday and Sunday night to my youth girls. But eventually my passion for it seemed to wander. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my youth girls, but I felt like it was time for another chapter, I just didn't know what exactly. I prayed that God would lead me. Speak to me. And put something on my heart. Well, after thousands of thoughts, ideas, prayers, and much frustration but continued faithfulness in seeking his next step, I found it! I came across this thing called Coffee and Jesus and right away, I knew this was it! Something I wanted to do. With women of all ages. All denominations. All races. And so, the prayers have started specifically for this. And I ask that you'd join me and ask that the Lord would guide me and these women in this new adventure!

So..I'm assuming you might want to know a little bit about it right?! So here you go!
What IS Coffee and Jesus? It's a movement of women who are seeking to become more Christ-like as a whole. Fellowship and friendship with other women is a vital part of learning to please our Father. Molding and shaping our hearts to please the Lord. That's it.
Who can attend Coffee and Jesus? Anyone! Isn't that fab? Invite your friends, family, fellow church members. Send out a Facebook invite! It's not about changing yourself before you attend, Coffee and Jesus is open to anyone and everyone! And I'm serious...if you are interested in starting your own group or joining mine (don't worry, mine doesn't start for a few more weeks), then you can! Just send me a fb message, text, or email!!
What do we talk about in Coffee and Jesus? This is a bi-monthly event, therefore studies will be released twice a month. At this time, they are free standing, format free studies. The kicker is that you need to STUDY what is announced! What does that look like? Well, ideally you will have 2 weeks between each Coffee and Jesus event. That should give you plenty of time to really dig into what you have before you. This means grabbing a notebook and a pen, your Bible, maybe even an additional Bible in a different version for comparison, a book about the topic or person we are studying. Remember studying in school? Yeah, to radically change your heart, you need to be studying the Bible hardcore. I promise it is beyond rewarding. (My group will be deciding at our first meeting what we want to study).
Let me repeat myself...this is for ANY ladies interested. No matter the age, race, or denomination. I have decided to invite women from all different churches (and some that don't have a church home), to join us twice a month over coffee and breakfast! PLEASE contact me if you're interested in joining my group but most importantly, join me in praying for this new adventure. These women. The studies. That we would be led by the Lord, share our stories and faith, and seek to bring Glory to him!