Monday, June 18, 2012

Bachelorette Blogging

So before I jump right into this week's episode I want to quickly mention that I will be posting on my blog every day Monday thru Friday but instead of first thing in the morning, it'll be late in the evening. I feel its necessary I mention why. First off, I'm NOT a morning person...even if I write my posts the night before, save them, and then post them the next morning, it just isn't working for me...PLUS, if I actually get up in time to write a full post, I feel guilty because I've always had excuses for why I don't do my quiet time in the morning and how is it that I don't have time for the Lord first thing in the morning, but I have plenty of time for blogging. Doesn't sit well with me, you know?! SO from here on out, I'll be blogging at night (when I have my normal quiet time) and this time will be separate from my Jesus time! ANYWAYS, back to the whole reason for this post...this week's BACHELORETTE episode. First let me say I love the fact that she sent both Travis and Ryan home. I liked Travis but I do think Ryan was right (only time I'll ever agree with him) that Travis' personality was too much for Emily. Ryan on the other hand just needed to take his trophy and go elsewhere! He was too cocky...enough said!! Highlights of this week: 1. First and foremost the bloopers from this week of the guys trying to ride donkeys was HILARIOUS! 2. I really like her and Sean together, even though I know she's diggin' Arie and Jef a lot. (Side note: I'm not so into Arie anymore) and did I miss something?...I thought last week's previews showed Emily asking Chris (the host) who else was there that wasn't into her? Yet I didn't see that tonight. Maybe I dreamt that...who knows! Bad Moments: 1. I felt bad when she sent Travis home. 2. Her giving Chris a rose (he needs to go too). 3. Her doing the two "final roses"...that was just dumb! I think they both needed to go home! Predictions: Doug and Chris will go home next week (if only one goes home, I predict Doug) and Sean and Emily will get closer. Final 3? Sean, Arie, and Jef. Awkward Moments: Watching Chris play the highland games (or whatever it was called)...he looked like a big ole' sissy if you ask me! Sleezy Moment: Call me silly but her complaining about Travis not taking off his shirt. Alright, well there is my review of this week's episode! Stay tuned for next week's review!


  1. great review! My favorite guy is Sean. he's pretty cute and I like his personality. I'm so glad Ryan is gone. He was so annoying. lol I hope he finds his trophy wife. he he read She Reads Truth as well. It's so awesome! Glad to have found your blog.

    1. Thanks, and I think I'd have to agree with you about Sean! :)

      Glad you've become a follower! I love new blog friends :)

  2. hey girl! Found your blog today =) exciting stuff you got going on here, never watched the bachelorette although feel like with the number of posts on it maybe I should check it out sometime =)
    I also LOVE that you also are not a morning person, neither am I =) Totally wake up like come 5-6pm =)
    Much Love,

    1. Hey there! SO glad you stumbled across my blog! Don't start watching it if you don't want to get addicted! It's my one guilty-pleasure! Loved reading your blog too by the way :)
