Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Paint Your Art Out!

No really, do it! That's what my friend Adria and I did tonight in fact. And boy did we! It took over 3 hours to complete this painting, multiple colors, multiple brushes, multiple instructions, redo's, and so on BUT...we now have this cute painting of owls. (insert "aww" here)!
The Visual Arts Center here in our town has a "Paint Your Art Out Night" usually about 2-3 times a week for a few hours. You bring your own snacks/drinks, and friends of course and go to town. They have a local artist up on a pedestal drawing/painting and you just follow his instructions (or branch out on your own if you want, as far as colors) and viola!
I've done this once before and it was so much fun, I knew I wanted to do it again so when Adria invited me, I jumped at the chance. This one was wayyy more detailed than the last one I did and left no room for much chit chat. However, Adria and I didn't let that sentence even enter our minds. We chatted the whole time, laughed, joked, probably even annoyed some people but it was so much fun! The last step we had to go back and use a fine tooth brush for outlining and I did NOT have a steady hand (partly because of the caffeine I had today) but MAINLY because Adria just kept me laughing! It was fun had by all and we ended up with two cute paintings! It will be done again I'm sure!

Step 1: 

Step 2:

Insert many steps between Step 2 and this picture...lol and a TON of patience :)
Let me just say the other day I was praying for patience (in general), and I think God can even use paintings to show us patience and help us practice patience and man did I practice patience tonight! Usually I'm very detail oriented, I'm a rule follower, and I love instructions...I don't like stepping out of the box (hence why my owls don't have any detail compared to Adria's) the detailing was something we were to come up with on our own (and I'm just not creative like that and wanted step by step instructions for all of it), plus I was gabbing too much to have time to add in details. But, patience was tried, patience was practiced, and I think patience was gained through this process. Seriously though, I LOVE Paint Your Art Out nights!


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