Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanks a lot, Pam! No really...

A few weeks ago I came across a helpful idea on Pinterest that I've been dying to try! Well, this weekend I decided I'd give it a try and guess what?! It worked!! I couldn't believe it! Are you ready to have your socks blown off? So...I read that spraying Pam on your nails after painting them would dry them immediately. Of course I thought there was no way this was possible but thought I'd be the guinea pig for you guys. You're welcome! No seriously, you're welcome! If you're like me and incredibly impatient (I'm sure none of y'all are like's probably just me) but...either way, if you don't want to wait around for your nails to dry, then try this! I literally feel like a 4 year old when I have to sit and wait for my nails to dry. I always end up doing things too soon and ruining them, which makes me even more frustrated BUT give this a try! 

 1. Paint your nails as you normally would

2. Then, simply spray your fingernails with Pam! (I actually waited 30 seconds to a minute before spraying them...but its still better than waiting 15 minutes). You'll want to wait at least 30 seconds before spraying them otherwise the nail polish will come off a little. 

3. And viola! Good to go!! No joke!

Again, you're welcome. I might be painting my nails more often now that I've discovered this little trick! Happy painting! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Well, it's time to link up once again with Lauren for H54F! I'm SOOO glad its Friday!! Let's get to it, shall we?!

1. Jared and I went to the FSU game last weekend (and they won)! Whoop Whoop!

 2. Today is my sweet mama's birthday! I'm so proud of her, look up to her, and want to be just like her when I grow up!!

3. This little cutie and his younger sister and brother are in town for the week! Jared's brother and SIL are househunting in DC for the next few days so he gets to hang out with us in Florida!

4. Last week our church had hundreds, maybe thousands of pumpkins come in for our annual pumpkin patch and this weekend I will be taking a few of these beauties home with me for decorating!

5. A few ladies and I are starting a small group called Coffee & Jesus in a few weeks and I couldn't be MORE excited! Seriously.

That's it for this week! Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend! I'm hoping mine will be filled with family, pumpkins, fall festivals, and other FALL things :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Coffee & Jesus

First off, I'm OH SO GLAD Monday is OVER! How bout you?! I told you last week that I was going to fill you in on something I feel like the Lord has led me to, so here goes! I have been praying for quite some time (probably a year or so) about the next step. Spiritually speaking. I was a youth leader for quite a few years and gave every Wednesday and Sunday night to my youth girls. But eventually my passion for it seemed to wander. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my youth girls, but I felt like it was time for another chapter, I just didn't know what exactly. I prayed that God would lead me. Speak to me. And put something on my heart. Well, after thousands of thoughts, ideas, prayers, and much frustration but continued faithfulness in seeking his next step, I found it! I came across this thing called Coffee and Jesus and right away, I knew this was it! Something I wanted to do. With women of all ages. All denominations. All races. And so, the prayers have started specifically for this. And I ask that you'd join me and ask that the Lord would guide me and these women in this new adventure! 

So..I'm assuming you might want to know a little bit about it right?! So here you go! 

What IS Coffee and Jesus? ​It's a movement of women who are seeking to become more Christ-like as a whole. Fellowship and friendship with other women is a vital part of learning to please our Father. Molding and shaping our hearts to please the Lord. That's it.
Who can attend Coffee and Jesus? Anyone! Isn't that fab? Invite your friends, family, fellow church members. Send out a Facebook invite!  It's not about changing yourself before you attend, Coffee and Jesus is open to anyone and everyone! And I'm serious...if you are interested in starting your own group or joining mine (don't worry, mine doesn't start for a few more weeks), then you can! Just send me a fb message, text, or email!!
What do we talk about in Coffee and Jesus? This is a bi-monthly event, therefore studies will be released twice a month. At this time, they are free standing, format free studies. The kicker is that you need to STUDY what is announced! What does that look like? Well, ideally you will have 2 weeks between each Coffee and Jesus event. That should give you plenty of time to really dig into what you have before you. This means grabbing a notebook and a pen, your Bible, maybe even an additional Bible in a different version for comparison, a book about the topic or person we are studying. Remember studying in school? Yeah, to radically change your heart, you need to be studying the Bible hardcore. I promise it is beyond rewarding. ​(My group will be deciding at our first meeting what we want to study).
Let me repeat myself...this is for ANY ladies interested. No matter the age, race, or denomination. I have decided to invite women from all different churches (and some that don't have a church home), to join us twice a month over coffee and breakfast! PLEASE contact me if you're interested in joining my group but most importantly, join me in praying for this new adventure. These women. The studies. That we would be led by the Lord, share our stories and faith, and seek to bring Glory to him! 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

FSU Football FUN!

As I mentioned in one of my posts last week, Jared and I went to an FSU game yesterday! We got there a little late but didn't let that deter our fun! The weather was absolutely PERFECT AND we WON! In case you aren't a football fan and don't want to hear all about the game, I figured I'd just go ahead and skip the details and just give you the photos! you are! 
 Here's my sweet friends, Katie and Becky! I first met them in youth group and we've been great friends ever since! 
 Next is what I like to call a Jared sandwich! That's my friend Ginny and her husband, Jared and then obvi (obviously for those that don't speak shortened words), me and my Jared on the right! :)
 I LOVE this picture of us! 
 Ginny and I :)
Happy Monday! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Well, its that time again! Time to link up with Lauren for H54F! This week has flown by but been such a good one and this weekend is packed! Let's get to it, shall we?!

From My Grey Desk

1. Last weekend my boyfriend and I went to a nearby Conservation Park to check out their trails and just wandered around leisurely! The weather has been absolutely wonderful lately so it was nice to take advantage of it!

2. I found a new recipe this week and it was DELISH!! See here for the recipe! 

3. I've had some great God time this week and have really been seeing things come together that I've been praying about for a while! 

4. The other day Jared beat me to my apartment and I found this yummy cookie and note laying on my bed! SO.SWEET!

5. Tomorrow I get to go to see my boys play (and hopefully win)! SO excited!

6,7,8,9,10---had to add some extra's this week! I get/got to hang out with some of my closest friends this week and LOVE(D) it AND Jared's brother, SIL, and niece and nephews are coming in Saturday and I'm oh so excited to see them!! Those are my favorite kind of weeks! 

Happy Friday and see ya next week for another link up! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Since it's now officially fall...wait! It is, isn't it?! Anyways, I'm pretty sure it's officially fall or at least it is in my book! I've come up with some "fall loves" that I hope to do during this favorite season of mine! 

1. Carve some pumpkins! This picture is from a few years ago when our young adults group got together and carved pumpkins! It's one of my favorite traditions that I always look forward to!

2. Go to the Peanut Festival! Dothan, AL (which is a little over an hour from here) has this HUGE festival every year and I love it! The rides, food, nausea I have when getting off the rides, petting zoo, and most of all, the CARAMEL APPLES!!

3. College football baby! I always try to make it to at least one of my team's games and I just so happen to be going THIS weekend when we play Boston College! (Hopefully we'll play better than last week)! ANYWAYS...

4. This is something I've always wanted to do and never done. A nearby town has a corn maze and I figure since I've put it on my blog as a "Fall Love,"  maybe I'll actually get around to going this year! #fingerscrossed

5. Make a pumpkin flavored recipe! It will probably be a pumpkin spice latte recipe for my new small group that's starting up but either way, this is a Fall LOVEEE! (I'll post more details on that next week)

What about you?! What are some of your Fall LOVES?!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Spicing things up!

Since it's been awhile since I posted a recipe, I thought I'd stop holding out on y'all and let you have it! This one I made the other night and we LOVED it (or at least I did)! It's SUPER easy and only requires 4, yes 4 ingredients! Doesn't get much better than that! I'm not much of a pork chop eater, or at least I haven't been until now but WOWZA! 

 Simply place your pork chops in the crockpot (they can even be frozen-just know that they'll need to cook awhile longer), add 1 packet of ranch dressing, 1 can of cream of chicken and 1 cup of water and cook on low 4-6 hours! I put my pork chops in frozen and only cooked them for about 4 hours because it was kinda last minute and we were in a time crunch so next time I'll be sure to cook them longer but they were still DELISH! They also made a little gravy that I put over it so it wasn't too dry!

Bon Appetit! 

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fooling Around in the Bedroom

I laugh as I type the title! No, no...its not what you think BUT...this weekend we definitely rearranged some furniture! I recently redid my room (see post here), but still wasn't pleased with it.

Something was missing and the more blogging I began to do, the more I wanted an area to house my computer, pictures, and surround myself with things that brought inspiration.

SO off to Target we went. A few times. We first went to Target out on the beach (about 25 minutes from here) and after much contemplation I decided I should wait until we rearranged the furniture to see if there was even room for a desk. So we headed back to my apartment, rearranged the room AND...there was enough room for a desk!! (I know you're SO relieved)!! Only problem was..when we went to the Target that's just down the street they didn't have the desk I wanted SO...back out to the beach we headed. We came back, put it together, decorated, and TA DA!!! What do you think?! I personally LOVE it! The boards behind the desk are actually shutters that we made into a headboard but I didn't really like that either and was going to get rid of it until Jared suggested I put it behind the desk and then I had the great idea to put twine on it and house some photos!

Before....(Disclaimer: this was halfway into us moving things and tearing everything apart)! Messy, I know!

and AFTER! TA DA my friends, TA DA!

Don't you just LOVE IT?!?!?!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Taking a Mental Health day!

Well, I had a PERFECT post for you guys all set in my head and on my camera, but seeing as how it's so late and I was bound and determined to stay up and watch my trash tv show instead of blog, you will have to wait one more day! I haven't stopped since I woke up this morning and am beyond exhausted, so be sure to check back tomorrow and have a Happy Monday in the meantime! I will be sure to edit and blog tomorrow night and have a great post for you all Tuesday morning! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

High Five for Friday

Alright...its that time again! Time to link up with Lauren from My Grey Desk for H54F! Let's get to it! And can I just say...TGIF! Seriously folks, this week drug on, and on, and get the picture!

1. Last weekend my boyfriend and I went to Disney and had a BLAST! Pretty sure this picture sums it up!

2. I've gotten back on the blogging train AND come across a hilarious blogger...seriously, she's hilar (hilarious for those of you that don't speak shortened words)! :)

3. Jared and I started the Couch to 5K running this week and I LOVE it! Seriously, it's sooo easy and makes me feel sooo much better! Hoping to sign up for one here soon (and lose some weight)!

4. I've been diving back into the Word and its been so refreshing! God has been doing some major things and I'm so thrilled at the new things coming my way!

5. This is a group of people I was involved with last year that I absolutely LOVE! It's a group of young professionals in our community that want to better our community, become more involved, and give back! Well, my boyfriend (Jared) just got accepted into this program and I couldn't be happier and more proud of him! Tomorrow he will be introduced at First Friday (an even that is held by our community's Chamber of Commerce) and will be recognized in front of some major business men/women!

Oh, and one more thing....HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Favorites

With yesterday being October 1, I had originally intended to do this post yesterday but it slipped my mind. So...without further a due, here are some of my fall favorites! Fall is my FAVORITE time of the year...I love the clothing, the weather, the smells, activities...I could go on and on (but I'll spare you).

First up...this scarf! I LOVE it! I got it online through Target (always try online was cheaper online than it was in the store which I find kinda odd). I'm not usually an animal print kinda person...but I just can't help it and I can't wait to wear it with a cute pair of boots! Sorry the lighting's so bad! I'm pretty sure I'll be asking for a new camera come December!

Second...this cute sweater (I think I have probably six different styles and prints, but I can't help it)! I just love them!!

Next is this yummy smelling candle! I love that its in a mason jar...doesn't get much cuter, huh?! I actually found TONS of candles at Marshalls this past weekend to include: Yankee Candles (MUCH CHEAPER than the Yankee Candle store or Target for that matter). Will definitely be going back and restocking!

And last but not least is this yummy smelling soap! I LOVE Bath & Body Works (most of the time)! I usually don't buy their soaps but when it comes to fall, I give myself a free pass and stock up on some yummy smelling soaps and air fresheners!

What about you?! What are your Fall Favorites? I'm hoping now that I've done an official "fall post" that the fall weather will follow this post and arrive SOON!

Again...sorry for my horrible lighting and photography skills. I'll work on them. I promise! 

Monday, October 1, 2012

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...or so I hope!

Granted its only Day 1 but I'm hoping it will continue far longer than a day, a week, or even a month! I'm sure you've heard of this app called "Couch to 5K." I know today wasn't the first day I've heard about it, but it wasn't until today that I used it! I used to run quite a bit (a year or so ago) and even ran a 5K in a pretty decent time, but I've lost that drive to run (don't know if I ever had "the drive" but you know what I mean). I've never enjoyed running. It's actually probably one of my LEAST favorite things to do...(second to going to the dentist)! 

 Anyways, I told Jared I wanted to give it a try. Partly to keep him in the habit of running in preparation for his PT test coming up in November, but also to hold me accountable! I want to exercise, be healthy, eat right, yada yada, but some days I just want to come home, lay on the couch, eat what I want, and not spend time exercising. However, I think know I have to be more active than I currently am! So...I thought this app would be a great way to help me get started. I have it on my phone and play my music while running but the best part about this app is that it will pause your music (for only a brief second) to tell you its time to walk (or run)! It actually made the 25 minutes of exercise only feel like 10 minutes (crazy, I know)! do this 3 times a week and each week it gets a little bit harder until eventually you are running for 30 minutes consecutively! addition to me needing this app, a fresh coat of Chapstick, gum, and hair pulled back tight...all I need is a little go music!

I know this song is about a breakup with a boyfriend but the words, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is pretty applicable to exercising too, don't cha' think?!