Disclaimer: This post jumps around a lot more than the other but I knew there was things I'd been thinking about all afternoon that I wanted to share (you'll see when you get to the end of the post)! Ok, so picking up from Saturday evening...Sunday morning was obviously to follow with a GREAT service at church (the worship was amazing)!!! Not to mention, my aunt, uncle, and cousin have been visiting my church for a few weeks now (they're "regular attendees" according to the sign in book), but this week was extra special with a visit from my other cousin and her sweet little girl Adeline! She wanted to be miss independent (even though she's small enough that her idol is still Hello Kitty and Minnie Mouse) walking through the church halls and even at the lunch table, but man oh man, is she oh so sweet and adorable! After lunch a few of my friends and I headed over to my friend Faith's house (she lives in Chicago but came down for a short visit) to see her and her baby (which none of us have seen and I hadn't seen Faith since December when she was pregnant) so a visit was FAR overdue for us! We got to spend time with just her while Owen napped and we got to spend time with him before and after his nap...isn't he so cute?!...I could just squeeze him! The lighting isn't very good but man is he a cutie!

After visiting/playing with Owen, Faith's parents agreed to watch Owen for the rest of the evening so Faith and I could go "out"...now normally out means dancing, dinner, movie, but to Faith and I it means Target, Walmart, Ross, TJMAXX, etc. Faith has always been one of those friends that I can call up and we never have to have anything planned, we'll run errands together, do laundry while visiting, etc...but no matter what we're doing, rest assure that we're having fun! Unfortunately that was the only time I got to visit with her but I know we will see each other again soon (and we do talk every week) so other than being here physically, I'll still be talking to her on a regular basis. After visiting with Faith it was on to the Rogers I went (where we watched Limitless) but it's always nice to just go and visit!
This morning I was SO excited! I had asked my mom if I could come raid her house to look for "nick nacks" that I could have or use and if you know my mom...you know she has a lot of nick nacks. I used to bug her about all the "stuff" she had but now I love that I can go over and scrounge through all of it and put something that was her's and that has a story behind it, in my house. I couldn't wait...normally I am NOT a morning person, I repeat, NOT A MORNING PERSON, but today I was up and on my way to her house by 9!! It was nice just visiting with her, drinking coffee, looking at ideas online,
helping tutoring her on how to use facebook, and just messing around the house before setting out to (no kidding) Target, K-Mart, Ross, TJMAXX, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, The Salvation Army, The Humane Society, JoAnn Fabrics, and last but not least Kohls...whew, I'm tired just from typing all of that. Although the only thing I found was a GREAT deal on some new sheets, she was a trooper to say the least...she put up with my whining, indecisive, sick (yes, still sick), tired yet excited self all day and even upon returning and hearing that I was bummed on not finding what I wanted she reminded me to be positive and be patient (two things I definitely need to be more of)! I started out writing this post to update and share all the love that I experienced these past few days with friends, relatives, etc yet upon ending this post all I can think about is how selfless my mom is and how there is no earthly and selfless love like a mother's. So here's to all those great, selfless, compassionate, loving mom's out there! To you, I say "thank you!" I thought this picture below was appropriate because although this was a HUGE day for me (my college graduation), it was also a day where I really reflected on all the love my mom has shown me through the years, all the sacrifices she's made to see me through to this day, and all the appreciation I have for someone like HER!

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