For the few one person out there that reads this, I must put the disclaimer out there that lately I've been broken... emotionally and spiritually that is. I don't know what's wrong with me but today was one of those days (and maybe you've never had one) where you just want to be around someone...anyone and it seems as though no one is available. However, I knew God was trying to get my attention...he wanted me, all of me, a fully focused me. So after some hesitation, just because I felt I had other things I wanted to do (just being honest), I realized that's what I needed to do...I needed to get away to where it was just God and I and there were no other tv, no phone, no music...just us! I decided to go walk on the Bailey Bridge and as I began walking, I just began to pray and thank God that HE loves ME, that HE never leaves ME, and that HE gives ME strength. Some things have happened semi-recently in my life that have left me questioning and have made me realize I have to be patient and wait on God (something I'm not good at and have prayed for more of...patience). A friend of mine and I were talking recently and I came to the realization that I've been talking to anyone about this situation that will listen to the point that I tire my friends, acquaintances, and even myself with my sob story when really all God wants is for me to come to him about this. As I continued walking and praying this afternoon I began to just cry, asking God why? (I'm sure those that passed by were wondering what this crazy person was up to) and I started talking to God...telling him my frustrations, my worries, my desires, etc and a peace came over me in my state of pure brokenness. This peace was short-lived because I now sit here crying as I write this and I realize that as I'm writing about how I need to go to God I'm writing this and spilling my guts but I've been on my hands and knees asking God why, begging him, pleading with him, and getting impatient with him when all I need to be doing is resting in him. So there it is, my sob story for the night. I promise the next post won't be so emotional.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."-Matthew 11:28
you have been on my heart lately. i'm sorry to hear it's still so hard. continue to turn to God and just let Him love you and fill you up. He has good plans for you even if they seem distant. Sometimes He has to pull us away from everything so that we will turn to Him and He can heal the broken places in our hearts. You're in my prayers.
ReplyDeletethere is always more than one person that reads these....and i am sorry if I wasn't there for you today. I know the last few months have been really tough but please know no matter what you are able to talk to me and i will NEVER tire of hearing whatever you are feeling. I am so glad you had that time with God as He is the only one who can heal you, but I am here whenever you need me. I love you