Friday, June 22, 2012

High Five For Friday

Well, its time to link up again with Lauren for H54F!

This week was kind of a whirlwind but fun was had in between the craziness!
1. Last weekend was my dear friend, Megan's wedding and it was BEAU.TI.FUL!!!! SO happy for her! (Side note: this weekend is my youngest sister's wedding, so that makes 3 weddings I've attended just in June ((2 of which I was in)) crazy, right?!)
 I had the honor of reading scripture in her wedding and loved that I got to play a part in her special day! Congrats Megan and Cam!

2. The following day I went out perusing around Pier Park and stumled across a Froyo place called Bippy's! It was DELISH! (and yes, that was on my "cheat" day)!

3. These were my "sale" finds while perusing!

4. Last night I met with my friend Cassie (she's a dear, dear friend that I meet with every Thursday night for accountability and I always love time spent with her). PS-she's being induced with her third baby next Tuesday so please keep her, the nurses and doctors, and her family in your prayers! Can't wait to meet baby Junia!

5. Oh yeah, Its FRIDAY!!! Here's a pic of my pick me up! I really needed this. I've been housesitting all week and haven't slept very well so a trip to Starbucks was needed!

And I have to add a #6-I got to hang out with my sweet friends Brooke and Alison (haven't seen her in WAYYY too long) this week!
Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

YOU are beautiful!

I've always been a big believer that what you put into anything is what you'll get out of it and I believe that's true when it comes to your lifestyle and the choices you make as well. I've always struggled with eating "healthy." I'm always on the run or throwing out excuses for why I need Chic Fil A instead of driving home, saving my money, and making something healthier to eat. I gave myself a challenge last week but didn't say anything because I wanted to make sure I could stay with it. I usually stick to something like this for all of two days (not kidding) but I wanted to overcome my mind and thoughts of "I can't do this,"  "it's not that big of a deal," or "I'll get in shape and eat better when I get engaged or get married." Now hear me out...I'm not trying to lose a certain amount of weight, bulk up, or look a certain way, but to eat, feel, and live better!
Last week I started utilizing an app on my phone called "Lose It" where I log what I eat each day and trust me, seeing and physically typing in what you eat and how many calories you consume will change your thought patterns. I started drinking 64 ounces of water a day, cut out sweets (except for Wednesday...I NEEDED really, really wanted a McFlurry) but that was it...PROMISE and cut out fast food; eat wheat bread instead of white, drink fat free milk instead of whole, and try to exercise 30 minutes a day (nothing too strenuous but making sure I'm moving and doing something). It's not TOO bad. My biggest problem was eating out...I spent too much money on food that was only destroying my body and making me unhealthier than I already was. Now, if I go out to eat (which was only twice this week) I still make sure I stay within my calorie allotment and give myself a free day on the weekend (which was yesterday for me). I feel more proud of myself this weekend than I have in a long time. I finally stuck to it! I feel better, sleep better, and over all feel happier! Remember that weight doesn't define you...your attitude and lifestyle do and that most importantly,

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bachelorette Blogging

So before I jump right into this week's episode I want to quickly mention that I will be posting on my blog every day Monday thru Friday but instead of first thing in the morning, it'll be late in the evening. I feel its necessary I mention why. First off, I'm NOT a morning person...even if I write my posts the night before, save them, and then post them the next morning, it just isn't working for me...PLUS, if I actually get up in time to write a full post, I feel guilty because I've always had excuses for why I don't do my quiet time in the morning and how is it that I don't have time for the Lord first thing in the morning, but I have plenty of time for blogging. Doesn't sit well with me, you know?! SO from here on out, I'll be blogging at night (when I have my normal quiet time) and this time will be separate from my Jesus time! ANYWAYS, back to the whole reason for this post...this week's BACHELORETTE episode. First let me say I love the fact that she sent both Travis and Ryan home. I liked Travis but I do think Ryan was right (only time I'll ever agree with him) that Travis' personality was too much for Emily. Ryan on the other hand just needed to take his trophy and go elsewhere! He was too cocky...enough said!! Highlights of this week: 1. First and foremost the bloopers from this week of the guys trying to ride donkeys was HILARIOUS! 2. I really like her and Sean together, even though I know she's diggin' Arie and Jef a lot. (Side note: I'm not so into Arie anymore) and did I miss something?...I thought last week's previews showed Emily asking Chris (the host) who else was there that wasn't into her? Yet I didn't see that tonight. Maybe I dreamt that...who knows! Bad Moments: 1. I felt bad when she sent Travis home. 2. Her giving Chris a rose (he needs to go too). 3. Her doing the two "final roses"...that was just dumb! I think they both needed to go home! Predictions: Doug and Chris will go home next week (if only one goes home, I predict Doug) and Sean and Emily will get closer. Final 3? Sean, Arie, and Jef. Awkward Moments: Watching Chris play the highland games (or whatever it was called)...he looked like a big ole' sissy if you ask me! Sleezy Moment: Call me silly but her complaining about Travis not taking off his shirt. Alright, well there is my review of this week's episode! Stay tuned for next week's review!

Join Me!

Last week while catching up on one of my favorite blogs, I came across a website called She Reads Truth! This website was created by a few friends wanting to encourage each other and hold one another accountable for staying in and reading the word! Go check out their website, seriously! They give you a memory verse for the week, have a picture you can download and set as your phone wallpaper of the week's verse, and have a slideshow of pictures that have been uploaded from other followers that will inspire you. They encourage you to leave comments and questions about the week's post and scripture, upload pictures of a verse that sticks out to you, your journal, or a special place where you read your bible. It's amazing to me how just a few people can create something that is so encouraging for others. It's a great way to connect with other believers, be encouraged by people of like faith, and be challenged while staying in the word! So go check it challenged, encouraged, and most importantly, be in the word! SheReadsTruth

Friday, June 15, 2012

High Five For Friday!!


Hi everyone! Its time to link up with Laure from My Grey Desk again for H54F!

1. I got this SUPER cute bistro set on CLEARANCE! I've been looking for one for weeks now and after seeing it originally priced at $160 and then on sale this weekend for $120, I decided I'd just wait. Well, I stumbled upon it this week again and it was on clearance for $80 at Target!!! Whoop Whoop! (insert celebratory dance here)! I LOVE IT!!!

2. THIS girl is getting MARRIED!!! I'm SO excited for her and SO happy for her! This is my friend Megan, who also had to take her boards last week (talk about multitasker)! I can't wait to see her this weekend and celebrate with her! She truly is one of the sweetest people I know and I couldn't be more excited for her!

3. I got to sit and enjoy the rain this morning (which NEVER happens)! I'm one of those letmegetupintimetogetdressedandoutthedoor kinda people so it was nice to enjoy it (before I got soaked in the monsoon)!

4. THIS Sunday, my friend Ginny and I will finally get to swap our birchbox/friend-made boxes and I'm SO excited! I HATE surprises but this has been fun...looking for things I think she'd like and filling a box of things she'll love! Check in next week to see what I got!

5. I got this SUPER cute bag and some other goodies last night at Bath and Body Works for a friend of mine. I LOVE the bag and it was $1.25 and came with the tissue paper! Doesn't get much better than that! I love picking up surprises for friends. Its a reminder to think of others, not myself, to keep your friends in prayer and to let them know that someone's thinking of them!

Happy Friday Y'all! What's your H54F?!?!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kitchen Conversions!

As most of you know when it comes to me and cooking...we're like fire and water (literally...I create fire when cooking)...well, not yet but I have been known to produce tons of smoke in the kitchen a time or two ten! One of my main problems (in addition to getting distracted and walking away from what's cooking), is that I don't measure correctly. I'm HORRIBLE with conversions, SO I thought this might be a cute way to display the kitchen conversions! And it was FREE which is the best part!

All you need is a frame, some scrap fabric, and a 3 x 5 card!
I copied the conversions off a site online....
And there you have it! Its nice, decorative, and the 3 x 5 doesn't get sauce splattered on it. PLUS, its a nice little reminder!
Maybe this will help improve my cooking burning! Happy Conversions Y'all!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Who's and What's Wednesday!

This week's "who's and what's" comes from my friend, Ginny over at Supper with the Smith's! Go check her out...she has TONS of amazing recipes!

I also thought I'd do something a little different. I know you're all DYING to know what's in her purse (and I might try this with some other blogger friends in the future). So here we go!!

1. What must you always have in your purse? Currently I must keep the Fixodent with me at all times. I have a temporary crown and if it were to fall out it's apparently MAJOR important I put it RIGHT back. Lets hope that doesn't happen! But on a normal basis...lotion and lip gloss/Chapstick. I can't STAND having dry hands and/or lips.

2. What is the most random thing in your purse? Box Tops. I'm sure not many people have a baggie of Box Tops with them. I'm a teacher and people give them to me to raise money for our school and I just happen to not have taken them out yet.

3. Do you prefer a small or large purse? I like a good medium purse. But better for me to have it too big than have a small purse. I would go nuts trying to cram everything in it!

4. Do you change your purse with your outfit or change it with each season? Neither. I change it when I get bored with the one I'm carrying. I have plenty to choose from so I swap them at random.

5. Does your wallet have to match your purse? Yes...and no. I can not have a brown or a black wallet. I usually have some funky color. Before my red wallet I had an orange one. If I were to carry a brown purse I would not want a black wallet and vice-versa. It's my fashion quirk :)

Now go check out her blog!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Weekend Spent All Over Town

This past weekend was a GREAT weekend, but man did it leave me exhausted! Saturday morning my friend, Brooke and I had our minds set to go to this cute little cafe, Trigo for some brunch! (see below...doesn't it look cute?!)

BUT the owner had different plans. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this place and will definitely go back but the sign said they opened at 10 a.m. and at 10:10 he came to open the door (only because we were gawking inside like idiots). Once inside he told us numerous times he didn't have anything for food, just coffee. We said, "that's ok, we can wait." To which he assured us he wouldn't have anything made for at least an hour (now don't get me started on why his sign said they open at 10 and yet didn't have any food prepared) so for now, I'll just continue on. We ended up going across the street (much to our dismay) where it had a completely different atmosphere, scenery, and smell. It was good food, just not what we had envisioned!

So on we went down to the farmer's market. It was full of yummy looking veggies, fruits, and homemade items!

 Is your mouth watering yet?! I will definitely be going back!!

Excuse the was 11 o'clock in the morning after all ;)

We spent the rest of the day perusing through antique shops, TJMaxx, Hobby Lobby, and just enjoying not having a set schedule! We rarely get to spend time with each other so when we do, we go all out! (We even stuck it out through the rain and managed to pick up some items for Brooke's wedding)! So all in all, Saturday was a success!

Then it was on to Sunday...worship was GREAT! We got our new sound equipment, lights, and screens and although that's not what defines a was definitely nice to see/experience worship with all the new equipment! Then it was off to my dad's to celebrate Father's Day...I know, its not until next weekend but he'll be out of town so we celebrated early. 

Here he is playing Vanna!
He's really into racing (races his own cars) so I thought I'd get him this cute little clock that I picked up from hobby Lobby! 
And here's my sister, Katie and I before playing a pretty close game of Nerts (a card game our family LOVES) and getting slaughtered by my youngest sister and our friend, Lisa. All in all, it was a great weekend filled with spending QT with a great friend and family but let me tell you, I was WORE OUT. I fell asleep at 8:30 last night!!! That's a world record for me, folks!

Here's to a great week! Hope you guys had a great weekend!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Instead of doing my normal H54F post, I figured I'd let you in on a little something. You see, I absolutely LOVE the idea of this burchbox!
It's only $10 a month and each month they send you special samples of beauty products, magazines, etc. And even though I would LOVE to do this (and still might in the future), I figured I'd make it more personal. My friend, Ginny and I from supperwiththesmiths are going to decorate and fill our own boxes and then (for the time being), exchange them with one another each month. We have a $10 limit, and everything in the box will be a surprise until that person opens it. I'm SO excited about this that I figured I'd give you guys the opportunity to join in. Whether you're near or far, if you want to join in on this "birchbox/friend/goodies" monthly event, just leave a comment and instead of swapping with each other, we'll add you to the list of people to send one to (now, remember that means if you want to join in on this and receive a box, you must also be willing to make one for one of us). This is a great way to show your friend you're thinking about them, their interests, and filling a box with love to pass along. We'd love to have people participate in this with us, so again...just leave a comment!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Stop and Smell the Roses

I wrote this last night and saved it but forgot to post it first thing this morning, but I wanted to put the disclaimer out that I didn't sit at work and right this (and thought the time stamp might make you think otherwise). So here's today's post (a few hours late).

I found this cute thing on another blog and thought I'd try it. Now, I know we're already in June but thought I'd start today and continue to the 6th of July instead. That's ok, right?! Of's my blog!

Here's today's picture! Maybe you should go ahead and try this! It makes you stop and smell the roses, enjoy things that you normally wouldn't take time for, and to be reminded of the blessings that come from above. My friend, Jaime gave me this mug as a Christmas present this past year and I use it every day at work to hold my cream coffee! I love taking pictures of it, using it, and just staring at it!
Enjoy and remember to stop and smell the roses!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Who's and What's Wednesday!

In addition to doing the "Who's and What's Wednesday, I also wanted to do a giveaway today for the book mentioned below. You must first become a follower of mine (on the right hand side of my blog) and then leave a comment for me below the post. You have until Thursday evening at 5pm to enter!
I wanted to introduce and HIGHLY recommend this book to you. My pastor's wife recommended it to me a few months ago and although I've been finished reading it for quite some time, I find myself wanting to go back and reread it ALL.THE.TIME!! I want to buy my own copy so I can mark through it, make notes, and have it around so I can read it over and over again...whenever my heart desires. To be honest, I hate reading...I'm not one of those people that even if the book isn't interesting will press through it. If it doesn't have my interest captured in the first few pages, I'm done with it! This book talks about the 12 Spiritual Disciplines and to be honest, was a LIFE CHANGING book for me! I find myself talking about or referencing it all the time! When I first read the title of this I thought, "yeah...that doesn't really sound like my kind of book," but let me tell you, it'll make you think about things you've never thought of, have a new found love and passion for God, and will provide you with examples of how to put it into action! I really can't recommend this book enough!

So go ahead, become a follower, leave a comment, and I'll announce the winner Friday morning in my "High Five for Friday" post!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bachelorette Blogging

My Top Picks:
1. Arie-she seems SUPER into him and he seems genuine!
2. Sean-another one that she seems really into, although I feel like her friends like him more than she does.
3. Chris-the guy she went on her first one on one date with this week!
(and I would put them in that order).

3. Even though I think she still likes Chris, I may have to make my #3 Jef. She's really into him and I the fact that he hasn't kissed her yet makes her want to wait it out with him and in the meantime just enjoy his company.

Awkward Moments of the Week:
1. The 2 on 1...definitely!
2. She and Doug naming flaws of theirs. Let's be real's not that hard or awkward to name your flaws (at least, it isn't for me). I'm pretty sure I have a good reign on what I need to work on.
3. Seeing the recap of last week's moment with her and Chris dancing...did I not catch that last week or what? I mean, I know I can't dance but that boy REALLY can't dance!
4. Charlie crying in the back of the van when they lost the sailing challenge...and then again when he didn't get a rose. Grow up baby....I hope you aren't a recruiter for our military...hopefully you're a recruiter for animal adoptions or something cause you are way too sensitive!

Horrible Moments:
1. Doug and Chris fighting. I still can't figure out who's side I'm taking on this one. I think Chris definitely overreacted to Doug's comment and it was blown out of proportion but the more I see of Doug, the more I question him and his personality (one without flaws, remember?!) :)
2. Sending Nate home. I guess that was just more awkward than anything.
3. Sending Charlie home. Now, I know I said above he's a big baby, but I kinda liked him. Or maybe it was his looks I liked so much! (Wow, this show makes me a shallow person...maybe that's a new flaw of mine)! :)
4. Ryan and his incessant comments about how God made her to be beautiful and skinny. DROP IT! or him better yet!

Oh and I'd have to say that each week the best part of the whole show is the bloopers. I must admit it was funny to see Emily dancing and I love that she tells it how it is! And I loved that she wrote a post card to Doug's little boy AND that she brought Ricky with her to Bermuda.

So there you have it, my review of this week! Check in next week for another review!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Wedding Weekend!!

Well, as most of you know...this past weekend my sister, Gina got married!!! Friday morning I set out to Freeport to meet my sister, BIL, and nieces and then it was on to Biloxi! After arriving we had a couple of hours to rest before the rehearsal and after that it was on to the Biloxi Yaucht Club for dinner.
 It was a gorgeous view and I'm kicking myself for not taking pictures of it. It was a beautiful 3 story building right on the water with glass windows overlooking the water and a nice pool too! The food was DELISH although I left reaking of garlic (but it was worth it)!! Afterwards a few of us went to Margaritaville (which happened to be connected to a casino). We sat out on the back deck (which was about 1/2 the size of a football field) and listened to music. After freezing our booties off, myself, my SIL, and another bridesmaid decided to go inside the casino. I've never played slot machines but thought I'd just try it out once. I put in my $20 and literally the second pull on the slot machine, I won $40!! After that, I was done! :)
We got back to the apartment about 1 a.m., and stayed up talking with my sister Gina, other sister Lisa, and BIL for a while before it was off to bed. Saturday morning my sweet BIL went and got Dunkin Donuts coffee (and donuts), and just chilled for a few hours
before heading to the base (which is also where the reception was held). We did hair, makeup, played games,
got dressed, and was time to head to the chapel! The ceremony was at 7:30 p.m. and was a catholic mass so we didn't get over to the reception until about 9:30. The reception was beautiful, delicious, and tons of fun! We all danced the night away, laughed, reminisced, and ate! The reception ended at 1 a.m. and then it was back to the apartment we headed! It was a rushed weekend but one full of memories, laughter, and love! Here are some of my favorite pics!
 My dad and I at the reception!
 My sister Lisa and I in the "dressing room"
 My sweet (and pregnant) SIL, Becca!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

High Five for Friday!

Hi there! Well, again I've linked up with Lauren from My Grey Desk for H54F!

So here we go!
1. Probably my favorite thing this week was getting this new blog design! I'm absolutely in LOVE with it and have been dreaming about and imagining my new design for awhile now! (Insert blog plug here: if you aren't a follower of my blog, please click on the "follow me" button on the right side! I always LOVE your comments, so don't hesitate either to leave one for me)! Eventually I'd like to get sponsors for my blog but I have to have enough of a following! Go on, just click on "follow me!"
2. I'm heading to Mississippi today for my sister's wedding! I LOVE the man she's marrying, LOVE her, and LOVE this works out great for me ;)
3. THIS GIRL (see below) graduated Wednesday night and I LOVED being there to support her! Good luck Katie! Mrs. Val and I love you to pieces!!! Isn't she just gorgeous?!
4. Not only did I get to hang out with this pretty lady last night (which I always love),  but this Sunday also happens to be her baby shower!!! Again, anything involving me, food, cute baby clothes (insert high pitched "cute little baby" phrase here), and good friends, I'm in!!
5. Oh yeah, I'm OFF today!! Woot Woot!!! Now it's time for me to get my happy butt out of bed (which can I just say my butt is NEVER happy to get out of bed), get ready, make a pit stop to Panera for some coffee and a nice warm bagel (in this rainy weather), and then it's off to Mississippi I go! Happy Friday everyone! What's your H54F?!