I must be honest...I didn't pay as close attention to tonight's episode as I normally do. I was a little distracted with blogging, taking care of the kitties I'm house sitting, and getting ready for tomorrow. I missed Chris' hometown date so I can't really give any input BUT I did see the majority of the show.
Sweetest Moment: One "F" Jef reading her the sweet note he wrote her! LOVED it and he seemed SUPER genuine!!
Most Awkward Moment: Arie's family talking with one another and not including her. You must know that would be awkward for someone. Arie's family should've known better...you'd think he would've told them not to do that beforehand...men! ;)
Funniest Moment: Sean showing Emily his "room" and saying he was hoping his mom would've cleaned it AND the bloopers at the end where they were having armadillo for supper. She's a better, sweeter, more polite woman than I...you would've been able to read my facial expression within the first few seconds and there would've been NO DOUBT that I wasn't about to eat that...I don't care about a first impression that much. But I must admit, his family seemed pretty hilarious and laid back!
I think she likes one "f" Jef the most, Arie second, and I think she'd like Sean more if he wasn't so "perfect" but I think she wants a little imperfection too! I will say I think she wants that "cute little family" a little too much and am afraid she's going to settle just to have someone there for her and Ricki. I also think she's used to everyone just LOVING her and that bothers me...her comment about wanting Jef and Arie's families to like her and her not being used to people not liking her just rubbed me the wrong way!
She also looks different throughout the show...sometimes she looks tanner than others, hair looks flatter than others (even though its supposed to be in "real time") and something else I just can't put my finger on! I also thought Jef's family looked like they stepped out of a J. Crew catalog and landed on a ranch but they seemed sweet enough. Family I liked the most? Sean's! HANDS.DOWN!
That's it for this week! I'll have to go back and watch Chris' hometown...p.s. he handled the "break up" poorly to say the least. I think it shows their true character in the way they react to the heart break!
Happy Tuesday!!
Her face sometimes looks different to me!! Like in some of the single interviews where she talks about what happened. Like structurally it looks different. I wonder if she had something done to her face at some point??