Sorry about not posting yesterday, the week definitely snuck up on me and before I knew was Monday and I didn't have a post. Normally I'd be blogging about the Bachelorette but I didn't watch it last night (shocker I know, but don't worry...I dvr'd it and will watch it tonight). I went over to a friend's house and we had a girl's night that was much needed! I don't think I've laughed that hard, that consistently in a LONG time. Here's a pic of Ginny and I while we were waiting on A&A to get back from getting a Red Box movie!

I stayed up way too late and had to get up way too early but it was worth it! Now, on to my post! You might be wondering who's birthday week it is. Well, it's my man's 30th birthday THIS Saturday and seeing as how I'm always looking for a good reason to party, I thought I'd make it his Birthday Week! Birthday's were always a big deal growing mom made sure to decorate (even if I was the only one that was going to see it), celebrate, have cake, the whole nine yards but she always made it a big deal and always made me feel special! So...each day this week I'm surprising Jared with something...either going somewhere he loves to go, doing something he loves to do, or giving him special gifts! I decided I'd write it on a homemade card/piece of paper, put it in the balloon, and then he'd have a balloon each day with a surprise in it!
Yesterday was Day 1 and this is what his surprise was yesterday:
Here he is with his surprise!
The funny thing about this above is, I'm the one that's obsessed with it, not him! But he was a great sport and trust me, there was no complaining about having Menchies!
Looks delish, huh?! (He always makes fun of me for going to a place like this and getting plain ol' chocolate toppings, but hey...I LOVE it)!!
Well, I'll be posting throughout the week and bring you along on my Birthday week celebrations but for now, adios until tomorrow!
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