#3-Visit a place I've never been to...and no, I did not make a whirlwind of a trip in the past week...but must admit I've already checked out airfare for flying to see a dear friend of mine out in Texas and just looking at the airfare gets me excited. I've always wanted to go to Texas but never knew anyone out there to go and visit and since Amy and her hubby and sweet baby have moved out there, I've been dying to go! (Amy, if you're reading this, you had no idea I was so serious, huh?!) :) So I'm thinking I will be making a trip out there in April or May!
#7-Not only send people birthday cards but make them. Check out the one I made below. It's super simple but I was just excited that I made one, remembered to send it out, and that it got to my sweet friend, Ginny on time!
#8-Take more time for myself. Not once, but twice this week I've driven down to a what's usually a pretty vacant park and just sat there...thinking, praying, and just resting (which also goes along with my #18).
#21-don't wear as many t-shirts and flip flops. I must say I've been doing better and giving myself more time in the mornings to actually put thought into how I'm going to dress that day and have felt "cute" pretty much every day this week (this is unusual...normally I'm asking my coworkers for reassurance or regretting my outfit/hairstyle choice for the day) but I've gotten ADDICTED to this girl's blog, called: thesmallthingsblog.com! She is SO cute and has such cute hairstyle ideas and such that she's inspired me to put more time and effort into myself so that in the end, I feel better about myself! I was bummed to see that I hadn't checked more off of my list, but then realized it HAS only been a week since that post, so 4/25 isn't bad! That is all for today. But I will be blogging more...you can count on it!!
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