First off, I'm SO sorry I didn't blog Monday or Tuesday night. I'm still house sitting and my schedule has just been crazy and I feel so scatter brained. What I'm about to share with you is something that has been on my heart for quite some time but I wanted to think about it and pray about it before I shared it. I'm still not even sure I'll be able to say what's on my heart and what God's been doing in my life, but I'll give it a shot. As you may or may not know, I came across a blog a while ago that is called
She Reads Truth. It's a website that was started by young Christian women who wanted to encourage each other and other's to stay in the Word, to pray for each other, and to share things God's been doing in their lives.

Since "joining" this site and doing a daily devotional "with" these women, the Lord has really worked in me. There's so many things I want to say to encourage you in your walk with the Lord. To be honest, before running across this website, I wasn't doing as good with my quiet time as I should've been and I still often times struggle with it, but seeing this website, other women's comments, prayer requests, and encouragement, it has struck a cord with me. I feel it is a daily battle to maintain an attitude and love that is like Jesus. I've recently started listening to 2 particular songs every day; on my way to work and on my way home from work...EVERY DAY I say! These songs remind me to have a love for others, to not be luke warm, and to rest in Jesus and the love and comfort that only he can provide. Both songs are by a local artist, Nicole Dean. I recently went and searched iTunes for them, but ended up having to
borrow steal Jared's cd of her's. The two songs that stick out to me the most are called "Offering" and "I Give You My Praise." I am in LOVE with these songs! Through these songs constantly being in my mind and on my tongue, encouragement from this website, my daily devotional (and journaling), I find life is so much better when I trust in Jesus and fill my thoughts with him and being like him. In addition to having a real quiet time now and filling my mind with songs of praise, I've really examined some of my close friendships (some of which weren't God centered) and stepped back from them. I've downloaded some podcasts of a pastor in B-ham and in Flower Mound whom I love listening to. I feel rejuvenated. Joyful. Complete. And full of love for him (and others). Don't get me wrong, its still a daily struggle and I know that I'm not only to penetrate my mind with his word, but to spread it and his love to others. I constantly fail, but I'm resting in him, trusting in him, and praising him. I encourage you to take a step toward loving him more, knowing him more, and trusting him more!
Here are some of the lyrics:
"I want to give you more! I want my life to be an offering, I want the songs I sing, to tell of your greatness! I want me thoughts to be the same for you, I want your spirit to guide me in everything I do, my God you're so amazing!"
"I Give You My Praise"
You're my best friend, Lord I know your goodness has no end...I Give You My prayer is this song I sing to you, all I have is what I give to you."--I LOVE this song because it just keeps repeating "I Give You My Praise" which helps me not to focus on the earthly things and desires or my own selfish reasons for praying, but to remember to constantly praise him for who he is and what he's done for me!
Sorry for the novel, but I pray you feel encouraged and inspired to make your life an offering!