Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thanks a lot, Pam! No really...

A few weeks ago I came across a helpful idea on Pinterest that I've been dying to try! Well, this weekend I decided I'd give it a try and guess what?! It worked!! I couldn't believe it! Are you ready to have your socks blown off? So...I read that spraying Pam on your nails after painting them would dry them immediately. Of course I thought there was no way this was possible but thought I'd be the guinea pig for you guys. You're welcome! No seriously, you're welcome! If you're like me and incredibly impatient (I'm sure none of y'all are like's probably just me) but...either way, if you don't want to wait around for your nails to dry, then try this! I literally feel like a 4 year old when I have to sit and wait for my nails to dry. I always end up doing things too soon and ruining them, which makes me even more frustrated BUT give this a try! 

 1. Paint your nails as you normally would

2. Then, simply spray your fingernails with Pam! (I actually waited 30 seconds to a minute before spraying them...but its still better than waiting 15 minutes). You'll want to wait at least 30 seconds before spraying them otherwise the nail polish will come off a little. 

3. And viola! Good to go!! No joke!

Again, you're welcome. I might be painting my nails more often now that I've discovered this little trick! Happy painting! 


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